a cluttered desk

Why join our scheme and report your air pollutant emissions?

Many organisations report their emissions of greenhouse gases but few if any report other emissions that contribute to air pollution. The Air Pollution Footprint Partnership will provide you with the tools and information you need to estimate and report your air pollutant emission alongside your greenhouse gas emissions. But why would you want to do this?


  • Understand your impact

    Your clients and your staff will be concerned about air pollution. Being able to show you understand your impact and how you are reducing it will help win business and retain staff.

  • Improve your ESG rating

    Air pollution is being picked up in sustainability reporting frameworks such as ESG and being able to provide information on your emissions and improvement actions will improve your rating and increase investor confidence.

  • Drive innovation and efficiency

    Understanding your greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions and how to reduce them together, can help you identify innovative improvement measures and drive efficiency

How to get involved?

  1. Sign up!

    Sign up to get the tool and information you need, and be part of an innovative partnership of organisations looking to reduce their impact on air pollution

  2. Download the tool!

    Download the tool and guidance and work with us to estimate and understanding the sources of your air pollutant emissions

  3. Measure your emissions!

    Measure your air pollution emissions, and when you are ready, share and report your results. 


There is a lot of focus on carbon, but carbon can be hard for people to understand and quantify, as it’s not tangible. Learning about air pollution and the impacts to human health and the environment is helping us to identify and address our immediate impacts. 

TP Bennett

Sign up & download the tool

Join our partner organisations and discover how to record and report your company's air quality data.

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